
I’m Johnny. I started out supporting artists, musicians, models, and small businesses with all the annoying fiddly stuff they had to do to get their marketing done.

I’m not a marketer – I design, I write copy, and I help get things online and out into the world to tell people about the cool stuff they could be seeing, hearing or buying via these super talented people. BrandName Labs has been my catchall company for all that I do, which also includes some hand-making art mess-ery, which includes band merchandise and jewelry. I like to keep busy more than I like passive consumption – it actually relaxes me to make stuff even in my off time.

I’ve spent the last three years working for a single company – while keeping a couple of clients I’ve had for years – and now that I’ve handed my duties there to a few of their employees, I’m romping off to freelance completely. This means you won’t have to worry about your requirements getting misunderstood by a chain of people – I’m the guy talking to you and I’m the guy doing the work. I might have a trusted friend help me out if it gets busier, but the buck stops here.

I do both writing and transcription in about equal measure, and I thoroughly enjoy both. 2014 marked my first foray into captioning video, and I find that really great fun too. Who knew that typing what people are saying could be so rewarding? But look at it this way: not only do I get to make audio and video broadcasts and podcasts more accessible to everyone, my clients get the benefit of some great, organic keyword magic and the satisfaction that they’re reaching more people than might be able to sit and listen to something. For my part, I get paid to listen to a huge variety of subjects and type it up. I actually take pleasure in finding obscure terms and getting each transcript absolutely pristine and ready to use.

I’m just getting this website together to include some of my writing clips and more information about my transcription services, but if you’re already here and you know you’d like me to do some work for you, get in touch!



PS: I also have really good handwriting – yes, cursive, too. Do you need something handwritten? Ask for samples!